Physics and Astronomy Online Courses for College Students (select college)
The primary goal of the course is to enable learners to understand what semiconductors are and exactly why they are useful to the electronics industry. We will learn why some materials are... more
Photovoltaic systems are often placed into a microgrid, a local electricity distribution system that is operated in a controlled way and includes both electricity users and renewable electricity... more
The technologies used to produce solar cells and photovoltaic modules are advancing to deliver highly efficient and flexible solar panels. In this course you will explore the main PV technologies... more
What is energy and why is it so important? How does chemistry inform energy efficiency and sustainability? Energy and Thermochemistry is an interdisciplinary, online course that introduces you to... more
This course aims at acquainting you with the modeling and simulation of constrained multibody systems, and especially mechanical systems with kinematic loops, such as real vehicle or bicycle... more
Remote sensing observations from airborne and spaceborne platforms have become an essential tool in earth observation. They provide an immediate and large-area overview of the evolving earth... more
Il corso esplora gli argomenti di elettromagnetismo classico e di ottica. La successione degli argomenti è quella tradizionale dell’impostazione didattica italiana e prevede: l’elettrostatica, le c... more
La Fisica è una scienza entusiasmante in un laboratorio grande come l’intero Universo. Tale disciplina permette di conoscere uno dei principali motori dello sviluppo del pensiero, lo studio dei fe... more
Optomechanics is the study of the interaction between light and mechanical systems which can result in the manipulation of the state of both light and the mechanics. The nature of this interaction... more
The serendipitous and unexpected discovery of radio emission from celestial objects opened up the possibility of studying a new and exciting view of the universe beyond the visible spectrum.... more
Comment l’eau de pluie s'infiltre-t-elle dans le sol (et quelle partie ruisselle) ? Quelle est la recharge d’une nappe ? Quelle quantité d’eau un sol peut-il retenir ? Quelle sont les direct... more
In this course you will learn how to turn solar cells into full modules; and how to apply full modules to full photovoltaic systems. The course will widely cover the design of photovoltaic... more
The first part of the course introduces the different types of telescope technologies available to astronomers, with a particular focus on single-dish radio telescopes and radio interferometers.... more
Why can’t I connect to WiFi? Why does my Bluetooth stop working when I use USB 3.0? Oh! I just sparked into my computer after sitting down; is it damaged now? All of these issues have to do with e... more
Physics is the foundation of many important science and engineering disciplines. Understanding its basics is fundamental for advanced studies. In this course, you will have the chance to review the... more
En este curso online se estudian la gran variedad de fenómenos ondulatorios que se observan en la naturaleza. Se van a definir y analizar las magnitudes físicas que permiten caracterizar los d... more
Se aborda el estudio del universo físico analizando objetos en movimiento. Se definen y analizan todas las magnitudes y leyes físicas que permiten describir geométrica y causalmente el mo... more
En este curso se investigan las causas y se definen las leyes de la interacción electromagnética. Esta interacción es una de las más importantes que caracterizan nuestra vida diaria, ya que muc... more
This course aims at acquainting you with the modeling and simulation of complex articulated mechanical systems, denoted as multibody systems, such as vehicles, merry-go-rounds, motorbikes, cranes,... more
There is no doubt that the quantum computer and the quantum internet have many profound applications, they may change the way we think about information, and they could completely change our daily... more