Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>The Language of Leaders: Learn to Write with Confidence

The Language of Leaders: Learn to Write with Confidence

About this Course

The written word is a powerful tool that you as a leader can use to your advantage. Effective and powerful writing helps you to communicate your messages to your target audience in a manner that is both captivating and compelling. How clearly do you convey your concepts and ideas? How well do you articulate your messages to your audiences? Is your writing free of grammatical, syntactical or spelling errors? Is your language simple, focused yet engaging? Perhaps the biggest difference between verbal and written communication is the reach of the latter. Thanks to Social Media, almost everything that you write has the potential to reach people beyond your intended audience. And this is why writing assumes even greater significance. Not only is your writing an important reflection of your own leadership, it is also a glimpse into the organization you represent. The objective of this course is to help you discover writing tools and techniques to improve the way you write, learn about the common errors in writing and how to avoid them, and study examples of powerful writing of great leaders so you can learn from them.

Created by: State Bank of India

Level: Introductory

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