Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Leading in a Complex Environment

Leading in a Complex Environment

About this Course

Leaders must be prepared to succeed in fast-moving, complex, global business environments. This course is intended for people working in the modern-day global organization and will teach you how to tackle these complex and challenging issues, including: How global issues, such as global warming and geopolitical tensions, impact an organization's decision-making process and how to navigate these challenging issues. How leaders respond to and manage issues such as social responsibility, environmental sustainability, crisis management, and cultural differences. How leaders represent their organizations and why it’s important they demonstrate virtue and authenticity to build trust. This course draws on the diverse knowledge of both leadership scholars and experienced leaders. Through a series of engaging videos, interviews, case studies, written reflections, peer feedback, and other self-insight activities, this course alerts learners to intractable problems that are too often ignored. The course will not provide convenient off-the-rack answers, but asks students to dig deep into their own soul to firstly acknowledge the problems in our contemporary world and then reflect on whether they have the capacity to negotiate them.

Created by: The University of Queensland

Level: Intermediate

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