Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Tools for Academic Engagement in Public Policy

Tools for Academic Engagement in Public Policy

About this Course

As public policies become increasingly complex and technical in nature there is a clear need for scientifically informed solutions to major public policy challenges. However, most researchers do not have the training to effectively engage with policymakers. This short course will provide an essential introduction to the policymaking process through the lens of the U.S. federal government, while providing specific steps researchers can take to engage policy stakeholders and articulate the policy implications of their work. Specifically, it will focus on: Understanding the complex public policy ecosystem, its many stakeholders, and the role research and evidence play in the creation of public policy, Strategies for informing the policymaking community with research results, Developing a pitch for policy audiences, and The importance of building two-way dialogues with policymakers

Created by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Level: Introductory

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