Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Language Revival: Securing the Future of Endangered Languages

Language Revival: Securing the Future of Endangered Languages

About this Course

Language is an integral part of society. Wherever we come from, the words we use and the way in which we use them are fundamental to our cultural identity. In today’s increasingly globalised world, however, ‘linguicide’ – the loss of a language – is becoming all too common. But there is hope. The language revival movement has emerged as an important and effective response, and this course will introduce you to its key principles and techniques. After discussing powerful answers to the question of why languages should be revived, we’ll investigate how. Far more than just a simple process of recovering literacy and lost letters, language revival involves a deep and complex engagement with history, human rights, identity and wellbeing. You will also learn what’s being done around the world right now, and how effective these techniques have been.

Created by: University of Adelaide

Level: Introductory

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