Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Corporate Innovation Capstone Assessment

Corporate Innovation Capstone Assessment

About this Course

After completing the four content courses in the MicroMasters program, students are encouraged to complete the Capstone Assessment and earn their MicroMasters credential from UQx. This capstone offers students the opportunity to bring their learnings together and exhibit their knowledge and growth through three activities: An oral presentation (video) based around a visual essay: a series of pictures that identify an innovation, how that innovation is supported by economy and how the innovation impacts the economy. A business-model canvas report (written essay) based on an innovative idea developed by the student. A 3 minute oral pitch of their business-model idea and subsequent Q&A session with a member of the faculty, conducted via a live video interview. Learners must successfully complete all parts of the assessment to earn the MicroMasters credential. This course is only open to learners who have successfully completed and gained verified certificates in all four courses in the Corporate Innovation MicroMasters program.

Created by: The University of Queensland

Level: Intermediate

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