Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Understanding and Changing Health Behaviors

Understanding and Changing Health Behaviors

About this Course

Ever wondered what makes people eat unhealthily, not move enough or sleep insufficiently? Such behaviors impact health and wellbeing greatly. Despite this, many people do not engage in healthful behaviors. Understanding health behaviors and how they come about is receiving increased attention from the private and public sectors. Through carefully curated content and project work, this course introduces you to key concepts and frameworks you can use to understand and change the health behaviors of individuals and larger populations in various contexts. Topics include health and health behaviors, key behaviors and their relationship with health and wellbeing, socio-ecological perspective, and strategies to improve health behaviors. Knowledge and competencies gained through this course will aid you to address health behaviors in almost any context.

Created by: The National University of Singapore

Level: Introductory

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