Epidemics IV

About this Course

“If history is our guide, we can assume that the battle between the intellect and will of the human species and the extraordinary adaptability of microbes will be never-ending.” (1) Despite all the remarkable technological breakthroughs that we have made over the past few decades, the threat from infectious diseases has significantly accelerated. In this course, we will learn why this is the case by looking at the fundamental scientific principles underlying epidemics and the public health actions behind their prevention and control in the 21st century. This is the last (communication of infectious diseases) of the four courses, covers these topics: Risk Communication in Disease Outbreaks Communicating Infectious Diseases 如果历史是我们的向导,我们可以认为人类的智慧和意志与微生物种惊人的适应性之间的斗争将永远持续下去。”(1) 尽管过去的几十年间我们在科技领域取得了令人瞩目的突破,可是传染病对人类的威胁却显著增加。本课程将通过学习流行病学的基础科学原理以及预防与控制流行病的公共卫生措施,对上述现象予以阐释。 这是四個课程中的最后一个(傳染病的传播), 涵盖以下主题: 疾病暴发中的风险传播 傳染病的传播 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Fauci AS, Touchette NA, Folkers GK. Emerging Infectious Diseases: a 10-Year Perspective from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Emerg Infect Dis 2005 Apr; 11(4):519-25.

Created by: University of Hong Kong

Level: Introductory

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