Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>The Hidden Side of Energy Access: Clean Cooking

The Hidden Side of Energy Access: Clean Cooking

About this Course

Stagnating progress on this development agenda costs the world an estimated 2.4 trillion USD per year. In this four-part learning series, you will familiarize yourself with core concepts in the clean cooking sector, uncover the nuanced and contextual nature of accessing modern cooking solutions, learn about innovative financing approaches, and discover recommendations for actors seeking to make clean cooking a reality for households across the world. The course features four distinct learning modules. Module 1 will introduce the topic, define MECS, and describe the Multi-Tier Framework. Module 2 will describe current access rates around the world and uncover demand- and supply-side barriers to adoption. Module 3 will explain the evolution of the sector, define the ‘least-cost, best-fit’ approach, and explore examples of national clean cooking programs. Finally, Module 4 will conclude with a course recap and recommendations for a range of sectoral actors seeking to drive MECS access forward.

Created by: World Bank Group

Level: Introductory

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