Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Land Pooling / Land Readjustment: An Alternative to Compulsory Land Acquisition

Land Pooling / Land Readjustment: An Alternative to Compulsory Land Acquisition

About this Course

Land readjustment has been used in many developed and developing countries to facilitate urban expansion through rural-to-urban land conversion and to assemble underutilized land in inner cities for densification and redevelopment. The tool has also been used to facilitate post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction. Land readjustment generally refers to a process in which a group of neighboring landowners and occupants combine their land parcels together for unified planning, servicing, and redevelopment. This approach gives affected residents in a redevelopment district the power, by super-majority vote, to approve or disapprove the assembly or transfer of property to a government agency (or self-organized body) for redevelopment.

Created by: World Bank Group

Level: Introductory

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