Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Sport Business Foundations

Sport Business Foundations

About this Course

Most people want to work in a career they are passionate about which is what draws many people to the highly competitive field of sport business, or what is commonly known as sports management. This course is rooted in traditional business foundations as they apply to the sport business realm and is taught by professionals who are all working in, or have worked in, the sport business field. This course is an introduction to career pathways, professional development, and opportunities within the sport management field. Course participants will learn about the complexity and intricacies within the landscape of the sports industry. Professional sports, International sport, collegiate sport, and interscholastic sport will all be covered. Students will explore their own interests and strengths to create a baseline understanding of the sports industry as a whole. Primary focus in this course is on introducing: Segments of the sports industry such as professional, collegiate, and youth sports Career concentration areas within the sport management field such as sales, sponsorship, sport marketing, facility management, sport governance, and event management Strategies for professional development and networking

Created by: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Level: Introductory

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