Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Understanding Venture Capitalists: How to Get Money for Your Start Up

Understanding Venture Capitalists: How to Get Money for Your Start Up

About this Course

Being an entrepreneur and creating a startup requires money. This money is essential to building a prototype, hiring a great team, and launching a new product or service. How do you raise money for your startup? Venture capitalists. Introduction to Venture Capital will teach you how to get the money needed to run your startup. You will learn who venture capitalists are, how they think and gain an understanding of their motives, investment strategies, and what they’ll expect from you. In addition to lectures you will get first hand inside knowledge from experienced entrepreneurs and venture capitalists on what it takes to successfully acquire money for your startup!

Created by: RWTH Aachen University

Level: Introductory

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