New Space Economy

About this Course

The New Space sector is a fast-growing market, boosting the historical institutional space exploration economy. The roughly 366 billion USD global space industry in 2019 is estimated to surge to over $1 trillion by 2040. The current growth in the development of space infrastructures and production of data from space is opening a full range of new applications for new customers. New business models for space encompass launchers, satellite manufacturers, in-orbit servicing, telecommunication, cybersecurity, earth observation analytics, and many more. Space4Impact, eSpace, E2MC and Space Innovation joined forces to launch this online course on New Space Economy. The course contains more than 30 videos from space experts from various space domains, including professors, scientists, representatives of public institutions and international organizations, entrepreneurs, and investors. Join the new space boom. Whether you are an entrepreneur, student or career jumper, this course gives you a detailed overview of the new space economy. You will learn about current and future space infrastructures that enable various applications, such as telecommunication, broadcasting, geolocation, Earth Observation or in space manufacturing. You will learn how space data can enable new products and services to final customers on Earth. Last but not least, you will learn about how space can make Earth more sustainable and how to make sure to keep space sustainable in return.

Created by: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

Level: Introductory

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