Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>A strategic approach to talent management

A strategic approach to talent management

About this Course

The ‘A strategic approach to talent management’ course will equip learners with the foundational knowledge and skills to start building a talent culture in their organization. It will add value to the professional practise of any individual that is interested in understanding how talent management fits into a future-ready HR strategy, and will explore learning and developing strategies as powerful mechanisms in the workplace - to enhance the knowledge, practical skills development and workplace experiences of individuals and teams. The course is led by Dr Shayne Roux, a registered Industrial and Organizational Psychologist who also lectures in Industrial Psychology at Stellenbosch University. Based on both his rich career as a strategic HR leader, as well as his academic expertise, he will guide participants in exploring issues such as ‘internalizing talent management standard elements’, understanding key concepts such as ‘accelerated development’, and familiarizing themselves with essential strategic HR practices, such as ‘development planning’. The flexible course design will allow course participants to engage with the online resources and case studies at their own pace, but they will also be prompted to participate in discussion-based and self-reflection activities, to further their learning.

Created by: Stellenbosch University

Level: Intermediate

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