Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Ethical Decision-Making: Labor and Production Dilemmas

Ethical Decision-Making: Labor and Production Dilemmas

About this Course

Labor and production standards, meant to ensure the safety of workers and consumers, are neither universally accepted nor always enforced. Where local governments fail to act, global corporations may receive pressure to step in. In this course, you will consider ethical questions about the role of international businesses in preventing harm abroad. Should international retailers require their foreign suppliers to pay workers a living wage? Should products that are banned domestically be exported for sale? Using conceptual tools for ethical analysis, you will consider case studies about sweatshops, pesticides, the sale of bodily organs, and clinical trials. The transferrable frameworks you will learn can be applied to ethical questions in a variety of contexts.

Created by: Georgetown University

Level: Introductory

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