Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>FutureWorkX: A 21st Century Workplace Lab

FutureWorkX: A 21st Century Workplace Lab

About this Course

It shouldn’t be surprising to observe that we live in a rapidly changing world requiring rapidly changing skills, if we are to happily exist in our professional and social environments. The very definition of work has changed, for many of us significantly in our lifetimes! The idea of a single job - or even a single career – that is sustained throughout our working life has been almost completely superseded but the need to navigate conditions of change, uncertainty and lifelong learning. These settings define workplaces in the 21st century. This course – FutureWorkx – sets out to help navigate these interesting settings, drawing on the recent ground-breaking frameworks developed by global bodies such as the United Nations (UN), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF). FutureWorkx synthesises these frameworks into a cohesive program of awareness building that culminates in you crafting your own distinct and inherently unique workplace identity. This identity statement allows you to give evidence of your competencies, literacies and attributes as these are utilised in current thinking. Armed with your statements of competency and the evidence you draw on to support them, you can map out your workskills development plan, to serve as a checklist of your pursuit of new skills to serve your work direction and your quest for lifelong learning. While some are only starting their work journey and have yet to assemble a full suite of skills for whichever workplace they hope to engage, others are well advanced in at least one career pathway but are seeking to explore others. Whatever your workplace setting, we anticipate this workplace lab will provide irreplaceable guidance as you define who you are and a pathway to what you would like to become. FutureWorkx adopts new, secure online tools to enable productive engagement with your cohort, wherever they may be in the world, so you can not only test your analysis of yourself with those pursuing a similar quest but to learn from the analyses of others to improve your own personal insights and developmental pathways. That’s why FutureWorkx is labelled as a 21st century workplace lab – it really is a laboratory to enhance your workskills for our age!

Created by: The University of Queensland

Level: Introductory

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