Assembler Language

About this Course

Computing involves processing information. In order to be processed, information must be represented in such a way that it can be manipulated by a machine ubiquitous in today’s society - the computer. **** The computer is a physical device that is based on binary digital logic. From this logic, physical components (hardware) such as memory and processors are designed. These components must fetch, execute and respond to given instructions (software). This course provides a foundation in the organization and operation of a digital electronic computer starting with the binary digital logic used to represent information and build hardware components. Then, upon this foundation will be built the skills necessary to solve programs through assembly language programs. High-level language algorithms will provide the blueprints for the assembly language solutions. Specifically, in successfully completing this course you will be able to: Describe how computers represent information and apply this knowledge in solving problems with solutions written in assembly language. Describe the basic organization of a computer system in terms of binary digital hardware components and apply this knowledge in solving problems with solutions written in assembly language. Describe how instructions are fetched and executed using the digital components and apply this knowledge in solving problems with solutions written in assembly language. Design and create assembly language programs that are solutions to problems expressed with algorithms that include high-level language concepts such as variables, data types, repetition, selection, and objects.

Created by: Doane University

Level: Intermediate

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