Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Introduction to SQL and relational databases

Introduction to SQL and relational databases

About this Course

The biggest asset of today's companies is their data, and data that is mostly stored in online relational databases. Virtually all relational database management systems in use today use SQL as a tool for manipulating and querying the data they contain. SQL language is an international standard that allows, in a simple way, powerful data extraction and summarization queries to be performed with very few commands. If you want to make a career in business intelligence, web application programming or any other activity that requires querying or updating data, mastering SQL is a basic requirement. In this course we will teach you the basic concepts needed to manage a database and we will introduce you gradually and practically to the use of SQL, starting with the simple query to get all the data stored in a table and ending with complex queries able to summarize the data contained in several related tables, queries that you will be able to replicate in a SQL emulator in the cloud during the course.

Created by: Universitat Politècnica de València

Level: Introductory

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