Robot Development
About this Course
Thiscourse opens an in-depth discussion and creates a better understanding of the field of developmental cognitive robotics. This field takes direct inspiration from child psychology theories and findings to develop sensorimotor and cognitive skills in robots. Coursework will explore the principles of developmental robotics and will review the application of robotics models and techniques. The areas covered range from intrinsic motivation to motor and perceptual learning, social interaction, language learning, and abstract knowledge. The course will also explicitly discuss core theories and findings from developmental psychology and neuroscience that have directly inspired developmental robotics models. It will introduce students to the main concepts in robotics technology and the main robot platforms and simulators used in developmental robotics. Thecourse is suitable both for robotics and computer science students, as well as cognitive scientists and psychologists interested in computational models of cognition and behavior. It is also an option in the final year of a BSc/MSc degree in robotics, computer science, as well as for degree courses in psychology, anthropology, cognitive sciences. Part of the course has been created with Professor Matthew Schlesinger.Created by: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Level: Intermediate
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