Everyone for the kidneys

About this Course

This MOOC is intended for patients, medical practitioners, carers, and for all actors concerned by renal disease. In this MOOC, for the first time, every one will be able to share experiences and testimonies, knowledge and teachings to move forward together. In it, you will discover the different roles the kidneys have in the body, the situations that threaten their function and the ways to protect them. Not only that, but you will also hear about the daily experience of patients, their carers, and their friends and family. You will share their concerns and difficulties on a daily basis. You will hear their testimonies, their discoveries and tricks to treat their disease more effectively while continuing to live, work, study. Indeed, a whole community of experts on renal disease (medical practitioners and patients) tackle all the aspects of the disease, with a global view of everyday life. Together, through the forums of this collaborative programme, the main difficulties will be identified and discussed, solutions imagined, and leads offered to improve the detection, daily medical care, treatment, and the planning of treatments with a renal disease. An unprecedented experience to learn, share, understand. To make your voice heard. To listen to others and take part in a unique programme to move forward in kidney health in a different way. Everyone together for the Kidneys!

Created by: Sorbonne Université

Level: Introductory

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