e-Learning course on Innovative Business Models for Expanding Fiber-Optic Networks and Closing the Access Gaps
About this Course
The six modules of the course provide the participant with an overview of the context, methodology employed, and technologies and business models reviewed as part of the Innovative Business Models for Expanding Fiber-Optic Networks and Closing the Access Gap report. The first module provides background and context on the importance of expanding broadband Internet infrastructure and introduces the methodology used for the evaluation of 70 projects in the report. The second module provides information on key spectrum policies and technology trends that are relevant for efforts to expand access to broadband. Modules 3-5 provide more detailed information regarding business models for infrastructure deployment, including consideration of market segments and approaches to cross-border, national, middle-mile, and last-mile infrastructure deployment, as well as some of the issues and decisions faced by stakeholders. Module 6 presents lessons learned and recommendations for policymakers seeking to promote broadband deployment.Created by: World Bank Group
Level: Introductory
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