AP® Psychology - Course 3: How the Mind Works

About this Course

In this psychology course, you will learn about the mind and the psychology of learning, including coverage of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning. We will look at the psychology and neuroscience of cognition — including memory, thinking and reasoning. The course will conclude with the coverage of language. This course includes video-based lectures and demonstrations, interviews with real research psychologists and a plethora of practice questions to help prepare you for that AP® Psychology exam. This is the third in our six-course AP® Psychology sequence designed to prepare you for the AP® Psychology exam. AP® Psychology - Course 1: What is Psychology AP® Psychology - Course 2: How the Brain Works AP® Psychology - Course 4: How Behavior Works AP® Psychology - Course 5: Health and Behavior AP® Psychology - Course 6: Exam Preparation & Review

Created by: University of British Columbia

Level: Introductory

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