Product Design for Entrepreneurship

About this Course

This course introduces the concept of a designer working for themselves and creating their own design-driven brand. It requires learners to apply ideas to a real-life setting. By the end of this course, learners will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the elements of design strategy and branding, experience design, lifestyle design and professional communication, including online communication. Learners achieve this by identifying an area for innovation and product-service development. The course aims to nurture designers’ business thinking and develop their social responsibility and vision in the new economic paradigm, as well as motivate them to become pioneers and prime movers of social and cultural businesses. Learners will engage in tackling real-world issues using design-led approaches and methods. This course is the first of its kind to integrate the knowledge of product design with entrepreneurship. Not only is it unique, but it also occupies a market niche. Since entrepreneurship is a hot topic worldwide, the proposed course has the potential to attract large numbers of global learners with basic knowledge and hands-on skills in the product design process, quality management and management of related resources.

Created by: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Level: Introductory

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