.NET FullStack Developer

About this Specialization

Develop the proficiency required to design and develop comprehensive, scalable, and high-performing applications with the .NET framework via this in-depth specialization. The curriculum is segmented into three intensive courses:\\n\\n.NET Full Stack Foundation: Understand the basics of .NET and its significant components. Harnessing the C# programming language, mastering everything from basic syntax to complex structures. Constructing both web and desktop applications with an unparalleled understanding of .NET\'s capacities. Frontend Development using React: Designing web pages employing the core principles of HTML and CSS. Utilizing JavaScript for dynamic and interactive functionalities, covering everything from basic variables to complex functions. Constructing dynamic and interactive UIs using React\'s core concepts such as components, state, props, and JSX. Backend Development using ASP.NET: Master the ASP.NET Core framework, designed for modern web applications. Explore ASP.NET MVC and craft web applications following MVC patterns. Delve into ASP.NET Web API to design and implement RESTful web services.\\n\\nBy the end, you will be proficient in leveraging .NET technologies, designing web applications using ASP.NET with React integrated on the front end, and building RESTful web APIs using ASP.NET Core. Equip yourself to construct scalable, high-performance web applications that align with modern business demands.

Created by: Board Infinity

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