University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>MLOps1 (AWS): Deploying AI & ML Models in Production using Amazon Web Services

MLOps1 (AWS): Deploying AI & ML Models in Production using Amazon Web Services

About this Course

This is the second of three courses in the Machine Learning Operations Program using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning projects can deliver an amazing return on investment. But, in practice, most projects that look great in the lab (and would work if implemented!) never see the light of day. They could save or make the organization millions of dollars but never make it all the way into production. What’s going on? It turns out that making decisions in a whole new way is a big challenge to implement--for many technical, business and human-nature reasons. After decades of experience though, our team has learned how to turn this around and actually get working models into production the great majority of the time. A key part of deployment is excellence in data engineering, and is why we developed this course: MLOps1(AWS): Deploying AI & ML Models in Production. You will get hands-on experience with topics like data pipelines, data and model “versioning”, model storage, data artifacts, and more. Most importantly, by the end of this course, you will know... What data engineers need to know to work effectively with data scientists How to embed a predictive model in a pipeline that takes in data and outputs predictions automatically How to monitor the model’s performance and follow best practices

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Level: Intermediate

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