Market Research

About this Specialization

The Market Research Specialisation focuses on the essentials of research and the research process. This Specialisation will teach you how to use qualitative and quantitative research methods, how to develop and manage a questionnaire development strategy, how to develop measurements, how to collect data and how to analyze and present them.\\n\\nOnce you have completed this Specialisation, you will have a good understanding of market research including:\\n\\nEssentials of market research Components of research proposal Research process Development of research instruments Sampling approaches Data analysis and interpretation Research report\\n\\nThis Specialisation is aimed at market research analysts, social media strategists, marketing managers, product managers and market researchers who wish to enhance their knowledge with the essentials of market research, the research process and the research proposal. The Specialisation will assist learners in familiarising with the fundamentals of market research, methodological approaches, data collection and analysis and a good understanding of the stages of the research process.

Created by: Queen Mary University of London

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