University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>Learning MEAN Stack by Building Real world Application

Learning MEAN Stack by Building Real world Application

About this Specialization

In this hands-on specialization, you\'ll learn to build interactive, scalable, and fast web applications using the MEAN stack. It consists of three comprehensive courses:\\n\\n1. Frontend Development using Angular: Master Angular to create responsive user interfaces for web applications. You\'ll become proficient in:\\n\\nFundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming. Developing web pages using Angular\'s core features, including components, directives, and services. Building robust and scalable web applications using Angular\'s best practices and design patterns.\\n\\n2. Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express: Equip yourself with the ability to build RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express. You\'ll be skilled in:\\n\\nBasics of Node.js and Express, including the event loop and non-blocking I/O model. Working with MongoDB and handling CRUD operations. Advanced Node.js and Express concepts such as asynchronous programming, error handling, and security.\\n\\n3. Building a Complete MEAN Stack Application: Learn how to develop a full-stack web application from scratch using the MEAN stack. You\'ll gain expertise in:\\n\\nConstructing a RESTful API using Node.js and Express, with security features. Developing a SPA using Angular, with routing and real-time updates. Integrating back-end and front-end, and deploying the application to production.\\n\\nBy the end, you\'ll be ready to build MEAN stack web applications capable of handling large traffic and complex data.

Created by: Board Infinity

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