Introduction to Semiconductor Devices 2

About this Course

This course aims to provide a general understanding of semiconductor devices. This coures covers the Metal-Semiconductor Contact, Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) capapcitor, Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors(MOSFETs), CMOS, Metal-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors(MESFETs), Memory and Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) to improve the overall knowledge of semiconductor industry. The lecture notes can be downloaded with registration, that helps students watch the videos. It is recommeded to print them in two pages in one A4 sheet and take notes during lectures for better understanding. Also, there are quiz problems to check your understanding of the lectures each week. To receive course certificate, you must score at least 60% of each week\'s quiz withing two chances. Lecture notes, quiz and certificate are offered to registered students only. week 1 Metal-Semiconductor Contact (Schottky/Ohmic contacts) week 2 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor(MOS) Capacitor week 3 MOS Field Effect Transistors(MOSFETs) week 4 CMOS, CMOS logic (Inverter, NAND & NOR gate) week 5 Memory, Optoelectronic Devices week 6 MESFETs, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Modern MOSFET

Created by: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)

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