Conquering Humor Fundamentals

About this Course

In this course, you’ll build the foundations of humor at work. You’ll explore the neuroscience of laughter and why it’s a superpower that increases bonds, creativity, and resilience on virtual teams. You’ll come to understand your unique humor style, including what makes you laugh, how you make others laugh, and how to activate your sense of humor with colleagues. Finally, you’ll mine seemingly mundane moments with your team for humor, apply simple comedic techniques from the pros, and shift your mindset towards being on the precipice of a smile. This is Course 1 of 3 in the Remotely Humorous Program taught by Naomi Bagdonas and Connor Diemand-Yauman are leading experts who have taught at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. They’ve teamed up with comedic minds from The Onion, Funny Or Die, and many more impressive comedy mainstays to create a fun, interactive learning experience, focused on cultivating humor and levity in virtual teams and empowering you to show up at work more authentically, effectively, and joyfully.

Created by: Naomi Bagdonas and Connor Diemand-Yauman

Level: Introductory

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