Cloud Application Developer Capstone

About this Course

The project provides you with a real-life challenge that requires you to flex and firm your cloud native application development muscle. You will start with a problem situation. To address this problem, you will use resources like GitHub, IBM Cloud services, and open source frameworks, and you will apply your knowledge of cloud native languages, database management, AI/machine learning, continuous integration and continuous delivery, and cloud native APIs. Through a series of labs and assessments, you will use modern tools and services including IBM Watson Assistant, IBM Cloudant, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Node.js, React.js, and Express.js. The second part of this course will have you review and test your overall understanding of cloud computing concepts, languages, frameworks, databases, and architectural models. When you complete this project and final test, you will have raised your skills to a higher level and built a working cloud native application that will impress potential employers.

Created by: IBM

Level: Intermediate

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