AWS S3 Basics

About this Course

In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn about AWS S3 and its features like Encryption, Versioning, Static Website Hosting and Life cycle management. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service, it is a object-based storage service which AWS provides. S3 can also be used to host a static website. By the end of this project you will create S3 bucket and will be able upload content to the bucket. You will also enable Encryption, Versioning for S3 Bucket, Static website hosting and will create Lifecycle management rule for objects in S3 Bucket. After completing this training you will have good understanding of about AWS S3 and its features. Please note: You will need an AWS account to complete this project. All the resources used in this project come under AWS free-tier.

Created by: Coursera Project Network

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