AWS Database Specialty Certification

About this Course

This course offers a comprehensive journey through the world of databases and their management on the AWS cloud platform. From understanding the core concepts of databases to mastering advanced topics like migration, automation, and security, participants will gain a solid foundation in database design, deployment, and management using AWS services. Key modules cover database fundamentals, AWS database services, cost considerations, automation with CloudFormation, migration strategies, monitoring with CloudWatch, disaster recovery solutions, and advanced security practices. By the end, learners will be equipped with the skills to design, deploy, and manage databases securely and efficiently in AWS environments. Target Learners: 1) Database Administrators (DBAs): Professionals who are responsible for the design, implementation, maintenance, and optimization of databases on AWS. 2) Database Architects: Individuals who design database solutions on AWS, including selecting appropriate database services, designing schemas, and ensuring scalability, availability, and security. 3) Cloud Engineers: Engineers responsible for deploying and managing database solutions in cloud environments, particularly AWS. 4) Solution Architects: Professionals who design comprehensive solutions that incorporate AWS database services to meet specific business requirements. 5) Developers: Developers who work with applications that utilize AWS databases and need to understand database-specific features, performance optimization, and best practices. 6) Data Engineers: Individuals who work with large volumes of data, including ingestion, transformation, storage, and analytics, using AWS database services. 7) System Administrators: Administrators responsible for managing the infrastructure and resources supporting AWS database deployments. To be successful in this course, you should have a background in: 1) AWS Fundamentals: A strong understanding of core AWS services, architecture, and best practices is essential. This includes knowledge of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), EC2 instances, S3 storage, and networking concepts. 2) Database Concepts: Familiarity with fundamental database concepts such as data modeling, schema design, indexing, normalization, ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), database transactions, and query optimization is important. 3) Database Management Systems (DBMS): Experience with database management systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, Cassandra, or Couchbase will provide a solid foundation for understanding AWS database services. 4) SQL (Structured Query Language): Proficiency in SQL is crucial for working with relational databases like Amazon RDS, Aurora, and Redshift. Understanding SQL queries, data manipulation, joins, subqueries, and transactions is essential. 5) Data Warehousing and Analytics: Knowledge of data warehousing concepts, business intelligence tools, and analytics platforms will be helpful, especially for understanding services like Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce). 6) Data Migration and Replication: Understanding data migration strategies, tools, and techniques, as well as experience with database replication technologies, will be beneficial for working with AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) and other related services.

Created by: EDUCBA

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