Advanced Kubernetes

About this Course

Welcome to the Advanced Kubernetes course! The course aligns with the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification exam preparation. This course delves into sophisticated aspects of Kubernetes, covering advanced topics such as cluster configuration, security, performance optimization, and automation. This course will enhance your expertise in managing complex, large-scale, and production-grade Kubernetes environments. The course is specifically designed for developers, software engineers, and DevOps professionals who work with Kubernetes and want to showcase their skills in deploying and managing applications This course needs a good understanding of Linux and a comprehensive knowledge of Kubernetes and container concepts. By the end of this course, learners will: - Gain a deep understanding of advanced Kubernetes concepts and techniques. - Acquire hands-on experience with configuring Kubernetes clusters and managing resilient applications using best practices. - Explore optimization techniques for enhancing the performance and reliability of Kubernetes deployments. - Develop the skills needed to effectively orchestrate scalable and resilient applications in dynamic computing environments. This course contains engaging videos, readings, and knowledge checks for a high-quality learning experience.

Created by: LearnKartS

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