Larry Krafft

School: Temple University
Department: Education
Location:Philadelphia, PA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
I should've given Larry a single star for clarity, but I didn't, and here's why: What you have to realize about Larry Krafft is that he is a professor who lives what he teaches. When you ask him a question, his response will most likely be "what do you think?" He isn't being obtuse, he's stimulating critical thinking. As a professor in the College of Education's Adult & Organizational Development program, the courses in this program are all about learning to stimulate critical thinking in adult learners. I work harder for Larry than I do for the other professors I've had, and while the courses are grueling, you come out the other side a much stronger student and a significantly more qualified professional in the field. He has worked in his field for decades, and has been involved with major projects that significantly impacted the people they touched. I do not mean to disparage any of the other professors in the AOD program, but I would venture to say that Larry Krafft is the best of the lot.


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