Heon Kim

School: Temple University
Department: Intellectual Heritage
Location:Philadelphia, PA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Pros: Definitely a great class with a very fun, energetic professor. He has offered my favorite class at Temple so far; he's definitely worth taking. There is homework due every class, but its simple; take a sentence from the book you're reading, and write a few sentences about why this sentence stuck out to you, compared to a lot of 1pg papers most other Mosaics teachers would have you do.

As far as his grading system goes.. PARTICIPATE! The class is a seminar and it thrives on student discussion about the topics we're on. He will tell you at the beginning of the semester; if you're too shy to talk infront of other people, find a different mosaics class.. and open your mind!!

Secondly are quizzes. Kim breaks the semester into 4 sections, and after every section is a small, easy, 10 question quiz that he goes over all of the answers for; paying attention is a must, but its by no means boring.

Papers. Kim assigns three papers all semester; two 3 pages and one 5 page, but they're VERY simple. Since you choose your topic, and he stresses his objective grading, it is VERY hard not to do well on these.

Overall he is a very easy, energetic, and hilarious professor, and I would recommend him to anyone at Temple.
Cons: Kim is from South Korea, so at the beginning of the semester his accent might throw you off some, but I think (and he does too) that sometimes his accent can be hilarious when talking in class. Other than that he's a blast to have in class.


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