Gay Spencer

School: Temple University
Department: Business
Location:Philadelphia, PA
Overall Rating
rated by 20 students
Rating Comment
I had heard bad things about this professor, so I was expecting a lot worse. From what I had heard about her from ORGB classes, I think she is more suited for MIS.
On that note, she made class a complete waste of time. I liked that instead of tests/final we just had to take open book quizzes online once a week. However, she put passwords on the quizzes so you had to come to class and sit through her rambling for over an hour just to get your quiz credit. The material she lectured on didn't really have anything to do with what we did in class and I didn't learn anything.
Also she claimed to be all "techy" and know about current technology, but she was completely clueless.
Basically if you just want an easy time for a required class, take Spencer. If you want to actually learn about MIS take someone else.
The Material covered in her slides and the graded material (with the exception of the weekly online quiz)
are completely unrelated. She would spend an hour and a half on the slides and the remainder of the class pretty much walking everyone through how to do something in Excel or Access or HTML. She only once gave us a written list of everything our 'project' was supposed to do and then changed it during class. So if you know HTML/Excel/Access you can't just hand in a finished product. You must sit through he fumbling through the steps each class. And if you know a better/faster way of doing something don't bother trying. You will get points off for not doing it her way.
I have wasted 4 hours of my life on this class on a weekly basis. I can only hope that her teaching contract is up and no one ever has to waste their time with her again.
organizational behavior....I still don't really know what went on in this class or its point but whatever. Everything I read in the textbook seemed to be pure common sense. Her test questions were pretty annoying though and really tricky. And I had her that term with the essays on the tests as well which sucked studying for. The TA was cool tho and helped a lot and its not THAT hard to get a decent grade. I would say not worry about the tests all THAT much. The essay homeworks, paper, and optional final all helped to get me a B+ and I can't say I put any effort into this class at all.
Spencer herself is a nice woman. Definitely boring but she always appeared happy and I remember talking to after class once for something and she was pretty cool.
All in all it was a lame class but I don't really feel the need to bash her really.
I would say avoid going to lecture because then you probably would not hate her has much, but she does give out a test question each lecture. Make sure you read every chapter and study the practice quizzes online. I have never studied so hard for a soft subject class, but i did end up getting an A. She is very annoying and talks to much about nonsense but if you dont want to hear her, dont go to lecture.
WORST TEACHER EVER! Does not know how to add up your tests grades. You answer the questions correctly and she doesn't even give you full credit however someone next to you will answer it wrong and get full credit! Talks about nothing relevant to the class and keeps you the full four hours. She is in her own world and just talks about random things. We had a test ever other week and sometimes on 5 chapters that she tried to teach us all in one night. Do not take her... you will never get the time back that you wasted in her class learning NOTHING! I don't know how this woman even has a teaching degree!
I think some of you are a bit hard on her. I think she is an OK teacher. I thought the class was fairly easy. I never went to lecture once, I went onto webct every week and did the discussion questions, and attended recitation every Friday (I had ping shao). She was a cool recitation teacher and a few times she hinted to us what essay questions we would have on the test. I didn't really read the book, I just study from everyone's post on the discussion board. I ended up getting a B in the class so I didn't think it was that bad at all.
She is ok. Recitations are very useful. Basically you have to go. You need to do weekly chapter questions but they are not too hard.Just time conmusing. She seems like a very nice teacher, but not interesting enough .Never went to lectures. Make sure you do the manager interview paper, attend recitations and do online study quizes. Some of exam questions come from there. It's not a hard class really.
ok-so the class isn't as difficult as everyone makes it seem...i got a B in the class and i never went (i did go to recitation though) barely studied for anything and couldn't have given a shit less about the class. but i will say that this woman is fucking retarded. who the hell breaks a class of 200 students into teams where your grade is dependent on how well they do?? that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard of. she doesn't teach anything, nor do the recitation teachers, but you have to go to recitation for attendance...basically, study the old tests they give you and you should get at least a the book and i'm sure you'll get an A
To respond to the person beneath: if the class is so easy, why does she not have one single positive comment about her? you would think at least one person who did get an A in the class (there were some, few, but they were there) would put some positive feedback for her? But no! no one did and its because she is a terrible teacher, gives terrible and very hard tests and the people who get A's are just lucky or have no life. So apparently you fall into that group ;)
oh Gay, Gay, Gay. Well I'll start off with the good about her: i think she does care for her students. But here are some of her bad qualities: she makes you memorize about 30 essay questions [6 or 7 from each chapter] and she will only put 2 on the test. there are 5 tests........yes, 5. she only counts 4 though, so if you do well on the first 4, dont take the final [because its cumulative]. Also for every test, those essay questions i mentioned have to submit 2 per chapter on webct. Go to recitation! its a good chunk of your grade!!! Lectures are dumb, but at the beginning of each lecture she has a slide show up, which usually has a multiple choice question on it. COPY THAT DOWN! it will be on the test! we didnt figure that out till half way thru the term, and by then, everyone hated going to lecture. Also, the tests are 25 multiple choice and 2 essays [which you dont know out of the 30 its going to be]. the multiple choice are HARD AS SHIT. You HAVE to purchase the book and read all those minute details about stupid shit, because thats what the multiple choice questions are about. their not general, they're extremely specific, plus she makes it hard, because it could be one of a possible 4 answers.
my advice: purchase AND read the book--dont let it go till the night before tho, cuz its a lot of reading. Take Marco as a TA if hes still available--because hes a good TA that helps you out with what to study.....and pay attention to what she talks about the most in lecture [if you go] because chances are, those are going to be the essay questions.....the chapter on stress is important!!
She's not at in touch with reality I think. I knew there was a problem when she told us on the first day of class that she was a photographer teaching us freakin OrgB. I was like what the hell?!?!? She also reminds me of a hippie because she looks burnt out lol. She actually is nice though but not that in touch with reality. I learned more from the TA than from her. That's why I didn't go to lecture
This class is a requirement for comm and business majors but I recommend to everyone that has to take it to make sure you do not get her as the teahcer. Test are very difficult. The teams and webct questions you had to answer every week were a poorly thought out idea on her part. She expects students have all the time in the world to read the book front to back and memorize it. She always interrupted with stupid and distracting comments while we were taking the test. After about two weeks I stopped going to lecture, 1) because it was boring, 2) she was annoying. and 3) I could just spend the time reading the book instead of listening to her pointless lecture ramblings. Overall, I am very dissapointed in Drexel for hiring a teacher like this. DO NOT TAKE HER.
This class is a requirement for comm and business majors but I recommend to everyone that has to take it to make sure you do not get her as the teahcer. Test are very difficult. The teams and webct questions you had to answer every week were a poorly thought out idea on her part. She expects students have all the time in the world to read the book front to back and memorize it. She always interrupted with stupid and distracting comments while we were taking the test. After about two weeks I stopped going to lecture, 1) because it was boring, 2) she was annoying. and 3) I could just spend the time reading the book instead of listening to her pointless lecture ramblings. Overall, I am very dissapointed in Drexel for hiring a teacher like this. DO NOT TAKE HER.
This class is a requirement for comm and business majors but I recommend to everyone that has to take it to make sure you do not get her as the teahcer. Test are very difficult. The teams and webct questions you had to answer every week were a poorly thought out idea on her part. She expects students have all the time in the world to read the book front to back and memorize it. She always interrupted with stupid and distracting comments while we were taking the test. After about two weeks I stopped going to lecture, 1) because it was boring, 2) she was annoying. and 3) I could just spend the time reading the book instead of listening to her pointless lecture ramblings. Overall, I am very dissapointed in Drexel for hiring a teacher like this. DO NOT TAKE HER.
Since many people are commenting on how she is a bad professor, but is still a "nice lady," I could not disagree more. She creates questions on the test that can easily have 4 answers. Even with the help of a textbook, I can still not figure out the correct multiple choice answers. When asking her questions about these answerless multiple choice questions during exams, she responds with such an rude attitude and is completely unhelpful. It should be a heads up during an exam that a question is unfair when over 10 students ask about it in confusion. I am going to end up with an "A" in this class, so I am not making these comments to get back at her. I keep finding myself in awe, however, that she is allowed to teach.
Her team concept made it so difficult for those elected as team leaders. There was absolutely no organization or structure to the class and team leaders had to serve as go betweens with the recitation teachers. It was very time consuming.
There is a team performance factor that was based on the scores of team members on the exams. Our goal as a team is to increase our exam scores since it is a part of our individual grade. Of course, these were not viewable in WebCT until two days before the final, giving us no idea of what to improve on after each of the 4 tests.
Bottomline, postpone taking this class until someone else comes to teach it. If you do have to take her, study really hard. You should be able to get an A. Only after a lot of aggrevation.
She is not a bad lady, pretty nice I might say. It's just that lectures are not too interesting. No one really shows up at lectures anyway...b/c the tests are based exactly out of the textbook anyway. Her MC questions are hard, have to memorize the textbook to be able to answer most of them. And her exams (4 exams and one optional final) consists of 2 short essays. She gives us an array of discussion questions during the term that are possible exam questions. I felt that I learned more from reciation than in lecture. I think the material could of been interesting otherwise.
I'm going to get a good grade in the course, but it is not because of Gay Spencer. Her slides come directly from the textbook website, and she just reads a few of them for class (that's her lecture). Of course, this is entirely useless because her exam questions are basically sentences taken verbatim from the book itself. This would be easy, except the textbook contradicts itself at every turn, so the only way to do well is to memorize just about every sentence (or be a good guesser, like me). She has this "Team Performance Factor" in your final grade, which is influenced by how well your teammates are doing. Of course, you have no idea how well your teammates are doing and have no control over their performance. The only outcome of the teams is a whole lot more confusion.
Do NOT take her under any circumstances. If you are a senior and need to take ORGB 300 to graduate and she is the only one teaching the class, transfer out of Drexel. You'll have a whole lot fewer headaches.
Seeing as this is a required class for business students, you would think the class would be relatively easy and somewhat fun. Gay makes the class much harder than it should be and makes you hate the class. Even though there are tests every two weeks, there is way too much material covered on them. Her lectures are so boring and you wont learn anything that isnt in the textbook. Recitation is another joke, where you dont learn anything, and spend the whole time staring at the clock. I learned nothing from Gay. Take anyone other than her!
Her exams are insane. Our upcomming exam is on 200 pages of material and she expects you to know it like you are taking the exam open book, which its not. And from what i was told from the recitation teacher she does not curve, i dearly hope it is though. You would think that in a class that she emphasizes group work, that we would actually do group activities, but the most we do is answer questions. Do your self a favor try as hard as you can not to take her. It will ruin your weekends every two weeks.
The only positive thing that she did was curve tests, somewhat. This was due to the fact that there were questions on tests that were marked incorrect, even though the answer people put down was correct. She gave out extra credit, but didn't include it into the final grade, or any grade actually. She wouldn't tell students what they had for some of their grades. For example, participation and discussion grades. Tests are tricky, where you have to memorize the book to get everything correct. Make sure you take the practice exams and memorize them as well in order to do well on the exam. Thank you Spencer for assuming that everyone in your class is a liberal and loves you lecturing to us how stupid a republican's proposed bill is.


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