Classifieds>Tutors>Victor B. - Writing Tutor

Victor B. - Writing Tutor

College Business Tutor
Victor B. Tutors College Students
Hourly Fee: $50
Location: Birmingham, AL
Travel Radius: 50 miles
In-person + Online
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

I enjoy teaching adult learners, listening to their greatest needs for assistance and working diligently to provide guidance that leads to their success. My approach is ideally suited for students who are committed to learning, and who have a desire to excel in their courses. Teaching others is one of my greatest passions in life. During the tutoring session, I coach and mentor students and provide direction to helpful resources that will ensure their success in their studies and assignments. ...

Victor B. Subjects

Writing - Business - Career Development - General Computer - Finance - QuickBooks