Classifieds>Tutors>Tihamiyou B. - French Tutor

Tihamiyou B. - French Tutor

College CFA Tutor
Tihamiyou B. Tutors College Students
Hourly Fee: $85
Location: Tacoma, WA
Travel Radius: 85 miles
In-person + Online
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

Your success is my priority. I have been preparing to work with you for many years. When we share our enthusiasm for finance, accounting, and investment, we will both be enriched by the experience. We will succeed together. How have I prepared? I’ve worked with students like you over the past 6 years through online tutoring using Chegg and other platforms. I have focused on students expanding their knowledge of Accounting, Essentials of Investments, and Corporate Finance. I have also tuto ...

Tihamiyou B. Subjects

French - SQL - Finance - CFA - Microeconomics - Macroeconomics - Python