Kimberly Jefferson

School: Antelope Valley College
Department: English
Location:Lancaster, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
This initially advertised as a hybrid format, transitioned to fully online without prior notice. The instructor demonstrated a lack of professionalism, being organized, ill-prepared, and displaying discourteous behavior. Antelope Valley College (AVC), located in a less prestigious area of Los Angeles County, appears to retain staff who may not meet the highest standards of educational excellence, potentially to the detriment of its students. While AVC is not on par with institutions such UCLA or Harvard, there remains an imperative to dedicated and professional educators who are committed to the pedagogical process. Regrettably, due to the constraints of this platform, I am unable to fully articulate my concerns. I strongly advise against enrolling in this instructor's class due to her unprofessional conduct.


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