Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>World Music: Global Rhythms

World Music: Global Rhythms

About this Course

In this course, you’ll be learning about musical rhythm from across the world. You don’t have to read music notation to take this course; you don’t have to play an instrument. You don’t need to know any special musical terminology or theory to begin; You will learn all the concepts you need as we go… and the terminology and how it varies across the world. The course will explore music from all over the world and throughout time, from traditional African music, to Balinese Gamelan, to classical Japanese, Indian, and Western music, to contemporary reggaetone and punk music. You will learn how to recognize specific kinds of rhythms, and follow their development through time and around the world. You will also learn how different cultures developed different styles and ideas about rhythm, meter, melody and structure, and learn to start to distinguish some main ideas. So whether you’re a virtuoso violinist or tabla player, or your main musical expertise is singing in the shower, all you need to succeed in this course is curiosity and a willingness to jump in with both feet.

Created by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Level: Introductory

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