Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Unconscious Bias: From Awareness to Action

Unconscious Bias: From Awareness to Action

About this Course

Unconscious bias—everyone has it. But that doesn’t make us bad; it makes us human. While we cannot completely rid ourselves of unconscious bias, we can learn how to recognize it and lessen its impact in the workplace. These are skills that everyone can learn. You may not be aware of how your unconscious biases can affect your behavior, but unchecked, it can have enormous impact in the workplace and throughout your everyday life. Unconscious bias causes people to unintentionally favor some groups—often ones that are like them—over others. This can lead to differences in who gets hired and recruited, who gets offered new opportunities, and whose voice is listened to. Understanding and mitigating the impact of unconscious bias is a crucial 21st-century global leadership skill. With awareness of unconscious bias and actionable steps to manage it, you will be able to make the best decisions for your organization, your colleagues, and your team. Managing unconscious bias is a vital step in building workplaces that are innovative, dynamic, and inclusive. In this training, through research-based assessments and exercises, you will move from awareness to action, learning how to interrupt bias and leverage the full potential of diverse teams and colleagues in your workplace. For learners at all organizational levels, from all industries, backgrounds, and geographies, thistraining will help you understand what unconscious bias is and introduce you to some necessary skills to counter its negative impact. The course is taught by instructors with extensive expertise advising and counseling major global companies on strategies to build high-performing and competitive workplaces. Learning these important leadership skills can help you to build and sustain inclusive workplaces and turn diversity into a strategic business advantage.

Created by: Catalyst

Level: Introductory

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