Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>The Postdoc Academy: Succeeding as a Postdoc

The Postdoc Academy: Succeeding as a Postdoc

About this Course

The Postdoc Academy is the first professional development online course built specifically for and created with postdocs. This course provides skill development for postdocs from orientation to their next career step. Using inclusive, active-learning approaches, participants in this course will build skills to (1) find success as a postdoc, (2) draft an actionable career plan, (3) develop resilience, and (4) work effectively in an intercultural environment. This course explores the research related to postdoc success and guides participants in applying it to their environments. Connect to experiences of the postdoc community through the Postdoc Academy! This course was created with funding from the National Institutes of Health grant number R25GM121257.

Created by: Boston University

Level: Advanced

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