Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>The Art and Science of Decision Making

The Art and Science of Decision Making

About this Course

Decision making is, necessarily, choosing from alternatives. We are almost constantly making decisions. Some of them might be effective while some could go wrong. In organisations, decision making is considered one of the primary responsibilities of a manager. Many important decisions relating to resource allocation, appointment and deployment of human resources, investments, products etc. require a lot of planning. Managers make strategies to achieve organisational objectives and goals. Wrong decisions can adversely affect a business. Quick and correct decision making helps in saving resources. Some decisions are required to be taken individually while others have to be taken collectively as a group, depending on the situation, circumstances, complexities and resource availability. Decision making plays a vital role in managerial functions; namely; controlling, directing, planning and organising. Have you ever wished you had taken better decisions in life? Have you ever regretted your decision? Do you wish to know the skills of decision making? If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, then this course is for you.

Created by: State Bank of India

Level: Introductory

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