Technology for Continuous Production of Medicines
About this Course
What is continuous manufacturing? How does continuous manufacturing improve a company’s productivity and flexibility? What are the advantages of continuous manufacturing? Which technologies exist and how are they controlled? Why is continuous manufacturing, much faster and leads to better quality? These are questions that we will answer in this course. Over the last years, pharmaceutical manufacturing has changed tremendously by implementing new and advanced manufacturing methods. This course will provide the fundamentals of continuous manufacturing, focusing on solid dosage forms. The equipment used to produce such medicines will be introduced. Advanced quality control strategies will be discussed. Clearly, robust process control can only be maintained if the manufacturing process is monitored in real-time. Thus, this course will explain the fundamentals of online measurement, i.e., Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and innovative concepts, such as Real Time Release Testing (RTRT). After taking this course, you will understand the basic principles of continuous manufacturing, the associated technology and you will be able to understand process development and process control for such processes.Created by: Graz University of Technology
Level: Intermediate
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