Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>'Talk to me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults

'Talk to me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults

About this Course

Poor mental health affects one in four people, and young adults are particularly susceptible. Do you feel confident approaching the topic of mental health with people you care about, or are concerned about? 'Talk to Me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults , is a German-Australian collaboration developed in response to the growing need to provide young people and those around them with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to recognise, identify, and respond to mental health challenges in themselves and others. Key topics in this MOOC include understanding contributing factors to poor mental health, how to talk about addressing poor mental health, and strategies to increase mental fitness. Please note: This course contains content that crosses over with TTM2x: Managing Study, Stress, and Mental Health at University (Modules 1 and 2). However, this MOOC contains an extra four modules of content which are aimed at parents, teachers, health professionals, GPs, social workers, counsellors, coaches, and other 'gatekeepers' - people in positions of responsibility with regular contact with young people. We are grateful to the following organisations for their contribution to and continued support of this MOOC: Healthway Western Australia The Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators Curtin University Teaching Excellence Fund Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme - Universities Australia

Created by: Curtin University

Level: Introductory

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