Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Sustainable Agri-food Marketing

Sustainable Agri-food Marketing

About this Course

The learner will explore sustainable marketing and incorporate the motivations, drivers, and impacts of food innovation to create effective marketing strategies and plans that support the sustainability of the agri-food industry. They will take the long-term view that includes multiple scales local, national, and global, envisioning different possibilities for the future of food. Leveraging the best communication and media to eliminate the old while promoting the new products, programs, and systems matters immensely in getting the population to adopt a sustainable food futures model. Learners will imagine, create, and promote the food futures they want for their organizations, their communities, and the world. Learners will also identify target audiences and needs, and develop authentic positioning, distribution, promotion and communications for sustainable agri-food systems.

Created by: Doane University

Level: Intermediate

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