Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Software Construction: Data Abstraction

Software Construction: Data Abstraction

About this Course

This is the third course in the Software Development MicroMasters program. You will learn how to build larger and more complex software systems using the Java programming language. The course begins with the topic of data abstraction - from specification to implementation. Particular attention is given to how to write robust tests using JUnit. Then the course expands on these ideas to explore how type hierarchies and polymorphism can be used to decrease redundancy in your code. The course wraps up with a discussion of how to design robust classes. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in designing software in Java, and be ready to move onto Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design, where you will learn more complex design patterns and principles designing object-oriented programs. Learners who enroll in the Verified track will receive staff grading for the course project and increased interaction with the instructors and staff.

Created by: University of British Columbia

Level: Introductory

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