Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Preparing to Network in English

Preparing to Network in English

About this Course

Networking in the business world is key to career success. Research shows that many jobs are never officially advertised. Many companies rely on word-of-mouth advertising to hire employees, so connections with people are important! It’s also clear that English is an important language in the global job hunt. But what exactly is networking? And how do you do it in English? This course helps you understand the basics of networking and why it’s important. You’ll identify the key qualities that you personally want to focus on developing. Most importantly, you’ll grow and expand your business network and professional connections. Gain confidence in your speaking while introducing yourself in English. You’ll also learn about business culture in North America and around the globe while you improve your English language skills for increased success in networking and job hunting.

Created by: University of Washington

Level: Introductory

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