Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Portfolio Management - Theory & Practice (Part 2)

Portfolio Management - Theory & Practice (Part 2)

About this Course

This course is designed to introduce you to the complex discipline of portfolio management. The course gives you an insight into the practice and theory of portfolio management. You'll be taught from the perspective of allocators who need to balance risk and return. The course helps address the overwhelming importance of Modern Portfolio Theory, and delves into quantitative measurements of risk and return like the Sharpe ratio. This course also introduces students to the practical world of investment management. Significant course time is spent on understanding the risk/return tradeoffs that are sought by a Portfolio Manager’s client or superior. We will also review Investment Policy Statements, understand the need for clear and concise communication and the balance of quantitative and qualitative factors when determining investment decisions. Finally, Portfolio Management covers the spectrum of investment options all the way from ETFs to direct venture investments. This course will show you how all these various instruments are capital market tools that a PM can use to achieve a discipline and well thought out investment strategy. This course is part 5 of the New York Institute of Finance’s Portfolio Management Professional Certificate program.

Created by: New York Institute of Finance

Level: Advanced

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