Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Natural Disaster and Climate Change Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Projects

Natural Disaster and Climate Change Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Projects

About this Course

Welcome to the Natural Disaster and Climate Change Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Projects course. Climate change is real, and it affects many aspects of our lives. Temperatures are becoming progressively more extreme and natural disasters are increasingly frequent. We cannot prevent floods, earthquakes, and tornadoes... But what can we do so that the damage caused has the least impact? How can we prevent our city’s infrastructure from suffering any damage and therefore put fewer people at risk? What kind of pre-project analyses do we need to perform so that we are prepared to address future climate change events? Strengthen your technical and decision-making skills by incorporating climate change resilience and natural disaster risk analysis into the design of infrastructure projects. This course was designed and organized by the Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES) of the Inter-American Development Bank within the framework of its Operations Learning Program (OLP). Its objective is to strengthen project teams’ capacity to preemptively manage events that may affect a project so as to improve its chance of success. If you opt for the Audit track, you could complete the course free and have 1 week to take the course from the day you subscribed. If you opt for the Verified track , you can access the course in an unlimited way and complete the qualified evaluations until the closing date, after making a payment of $10 . If you pass, in addition to the verified certificate, you will obtain a digital badge *that allows you to change the way you share your academic and professional achievements, as for example, on social media. *Did you know there is a financial aid to opt for the verified certificate? EdX financial help: edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to pay the Verified Certificate fee. Subscribe to the course and apply for financial assistance.

Created by: Inter-American Development Bank

Level: Advanced

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